
Just What the Hell is This Blog Doing Here?

Before I start posting here, before you people begin to trust in me to fill the five minutes of your day that is spent endlessly searching through random blogs in the hopes that even ONE will keep you entertained, you people need to know the truth. This blog... is not going to be entertaining. Or, at least, it isn't meant to be. It won't be about celebrities, about food, about the garden, about any of the usual "popular" blog topics. It will be an honest to the bone series of essays from me about different aspects of life, the universe, and everything.

But before you start reading, you need to know exactly WHO is feeding you this information. Well, all I can tell you is that I was raised in the far reaches of the Orient, far away from the vices of the land that is America. Or... maybe not. You see, the thing is, who I am is all really a matter of perception, the same as anything else on this planet. You see an enemy, I see a friend. You see a pile of slop, I see a tasty dish. You see the greatest romance that has ever been, I see a shiny stalker sneaking into a girls' bedroom to watch her sleep. Ick.

So, all I'm saying is that, in the context of this blog, I'll probably say different things about myself and my life. Take it all with a grain of salt. I may be lying, maybe not. You'll never know.

But, maybe I'm starting on the wrong foot. Maybe... I should establish rules, iron laws, if I may, that need to be kept intact for the sake of order and chaos (which I'll probably be talking about at a later date.)

1. Every post will be titled with a question. No exceptions. Some will be serious. Some... not so much.
2. This blog will be updated at least weekly, unless I have a valid excuse for not posting. There may be times, however, when I'm bored enough to post more than once in a week, in which case you guys should rejoice... that is, if you like the blog.
3. If you liked a post I made, go comment. If you didn't, comment. I like hearing what people have to say. Actually, this one's more of a recommendation. Not necessarily a rule, but it would be nice to hear from you, all the same.
4. The question in the topic will ALWAYS be addressed, in one form or another, during the essay.

And, to address our lovely first question, here is the answer for you: it's here because every person needs some sort of outlet. Now, I just got yelled at for speaking informally, without structure or class. So, yes, I'm not happy. And I've found that, now, I need an outlet for all of those odd thoughts and ideas I have about the world, or else I'm going to explode.

Anyways, enjoy what is to come, when it comes. C'est la freakin' vie.

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